MindfulVision Making The Web A Better Place For All

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MindfulVision offers employment opportunities and training for Blind, Severely Sight Impaired (SSI), Visually Impaired (VI) and disabled people.

We offer a wide range of training opportunities depending on the individuals needs.

One of those opportunities centre's around website and app accessibility. In this instance we can offer training to become a website auditor or ambassador to assist and advise people how to make the world a more inclusive place one website or app at a time.

We believe in creating equal opportunities for everybody.

About Us

What We Do

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MindfulVision (MV) recruits, trains, educates and provides employment opportunities for Blind, Severely Sight Impaired (SSI) and Visually Impaired (VI) people.


Meet The Team

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Meet the core team. We are a group of passionate people are growing all the time so if you are interested in being part of a great team please get in touch.


The Ambassador

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The Ambassador is one of our unique offerings. Many VI people find the digital word difficult to navigate. The ambassador is the person who could guide you and your organisation on an accessibility journey.


Meet The Winners

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Diversity: we’ve got this nailed, right? Wait a minute… Didn’t we just forget 1.3 billion disabled people?
