How do I buy?
Cost: Starts from £395
How many: Online delivery to groups up to 4 people.
Requires: Purchase order or Credit card payment.
Delivery: Contact MindfulVision to schedule.
Why do it?
- Better understand your legal obligations.
- Understand that you may be missing out because people can not access your website.
- Why good intention matters.
- Simple basic modifications make all the difference.
- What about accessibility audits. Payed for versus free.
- Use an accessibility engineer.
The Detail
One of the outcomes of the recent pandemic was a huge shift in the way we interacted with the wide world wide web. During lockdown none essential services were forced into their homes and the shopping experience went to an online offering. People who had never shopped online were forced to learn how to.
As a result big shopping platforms such as supermarkets literally cleaned up their sites, increased font sizes, improved contrast and simplified navigation. They moved away from branded websites to functional websites. This improvement was not forced by legislation. It was achieved by the desire to make more profit.
Examining the legal requirements for certain sectors that